What is SEEC’s impact?

  • When SEEC students’ diagnostic test results and their real-test results are compared, it is not uncommon to find that students have improved drastically on their performances on the SAT English sections. Numerous SEEC alumni have earned perfect scores on the critical reading and writing sections, including essay, in real SAT/ACT since 2006.
  • Every year, Dr. Huang receives unsolicited emails and phone calls from parents and students who show their appreciation and gratitude. Here are a few recent emails. To protect the student, the names have been removed. Dr. Huang stopped posting such letters to this Web site in 2017.

Hello Dr. Huang,

I took the SAT yesterday, and today was my last SEEC class. I’m very happy to have been in your class, as it was helpful not only for taking the SAT but also for reading and writing in general. Since joining your class, I have gotten better and better at SAT reading passages. You also taught me the importance of writing with good grammar regardless of my political affiliation. When I look at my writing from before I attended SEEC, I now can see the grammar mistakes I used to never notice. Your class was very entertaining, too, as you often made me laugh. Thank you for being such a great teacher!
Student name (Great Neck, New York, August 2021)

With your help I was able to achieve a 2270 on the SAT M:720 R:750 W:800. I wanted to thank you for all your help and tips on cracking the SAT exam. If not for your lessons, I do not believe I could have achieved such a satisfactory score.
Thank you once more,
student name (Chicago, Illinois, January 11, 2016)

Dear Dr. Huang,
I’m very happy to let you know that I just got early admission to MIT! I just want to thank you for all your help in English and SAT preparation and for your encouragement and advice. I could not have gotten here without your teaching and support.
Thank you,
student name (Carmel, Indiana, December 14, 2014)

Dr. Huang,
Thank you so much! I am very grateful for the time and effort that you spend teaching this class, both within the classroom and on an individual basis. I owe my performance in large part to you!
I received a score of 2340 (CR 800, M 800, W 740) and a superscore value of 2360!
Best wishes,
student name (Carmel, Indiana, November 30, 2014)

Dear Dr. Huang, 
This last week, I received a letter from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation informing me that I was chosen as a Finalist. It might be cliche to say this, but I really would not have been able to make it without your help. In the beginning, I did not score well on both the diagnostic test and practice SAT’s, and I was last in the SEEC classes. But with your guidance and preachings, I was able to improve my score by hundred’s. Even now, as I write this, your grammar lectures still rings in my head. Thank you for all of your effort and knowledge that you have given to me in my years in the SEEC class.
student name (Greenwood, Indiana, February 24, 2013)

Dear Dr. Huang,
[Y]our SAT prep lessons … have been extremely helpful for (the student’s name) to prepare her SAT test which she took last Saturday. After your lessons, it’s hard to find a better local SAT prep program that is comparable to yours…
Best Regards,
parent’s name (Bay Area in California, October 7, 2013)