Who is Dr. Edgar Huang?

Dr. Edgar Huang was a tenured professor at Indiana University. In 2019, he retired early from Indiana University.

He graduated from The Institute of International Relations in Beijing in 1984. In 1988, he earned China’s very first master’s degree in Photojournalism from the People’s University of China in Beijing. In 1995, he got an MFA degree in Visual Arts and graduated with a GPA of 4.0 from University of California San Diego. In 1999, Huang was granted a PhD degree in Mass Communication by Indiana University.

In late 1980s and early 1990s, Huang taught TOEFL and GRE at what is now called New Oriental in China. In 2006, Dr. Huang started to teach SAT/PSAT English in Carmel, Indiana. His SAT/PSAT English Enhancement Class (SEEC) has enjoyed an extremely high reputation in North America and beyond. Apart from teaching SEEC, Dr. Huang has coached many students in national and international essay competitions, and many students won highly prestigious awards. Every year, he has also coached high-school students to prepare for applying to top U.S. colleges. Many of this students have got into Harvard, Princeton, Yale,  MIT, Stanford, UChicago, UPenn, etc., each year since 2010.

Dr. Edgar Huang is the only instructor of SEEC and coaches all the students in his college counseling program and college application support program.

Dr. Huang is known among his students for his unique English placement testing strategies and English foundation enhancement strategies. SEEC covers the following connected areas in language art in the SAT/ACT test:

  1. application essay writing,
  2. critical reading,
  3. grammar,
  4. usage, and
  5. logical flow.

Dr. Huang’s modular design in teaching these areas makes learning fun, exciting and memorable. His students truly love the rich online environment in which they can be engaged in peer learning and self-discovery.

Dr. Huang’s teaching in SEEC has not only helped those highly self-motivated students to achieve their dreams but has also successfully converted some students who have not cultivated a good learning habit into active and responsible learners. His “No Child Left Behind” policy, appropriated from President G. W. Bush, has helped SEEC students gain self-confidence and self-esteem, thus much better school performance and SAT/PSAT/ACT performances.

Dr. Huang’s SEEC has become highly popular in the United States and beyond over the years. Since its inception in early 2006, many students from 6th grade to 12th grade have benefited from his rigorous, insightful and humorous SAT/ACT strategy teaching and have boosted their SAT/PSAT/ACT performances in the English sections and boosted their school English/language arts performances. Typical course evaluations for Dr. Huang given by his students are “knowledgeable,” “enthusiastic” and “humorous.” It is not uncommon that parents reported to Dr. Huang, “My child does not likely to take any tutoring class except for Dr. Huang’s class.”

Both SEEC students and their parents are enthralled by Dr. Huang’s teaching quality and have highly recommended his class to other students. Dr. Huang rarely advertises the SEEC services. SEEC could develop strongly over the years almost exclusively because of the parents’ and students voluntary word-of-mouth spread of the SEEC reputation mainly with the intention to help other students.

More facts about Dr. Huang

  1. Apart from tutoring TOEFL, GRE, and SAT/PSAT, Dr. Huang taught English classes to undergraduate students and graduate students in Florida and in Indiana for several years.
  2. Dr. Huang received rigorous training in English language in college with a B.A. degree in English. He has the English language knowledge, especially in-depth grammar knowledge, that many English tutors do not possess.
  3. With his senior researcher’s insight, Dr. Huang has studied College Board questions very carefully and has come up with a systematic approach to tackle those questions. As a result, his students are trained to get to the right answers with speed and precision.
  4. Dr. Huang is an established author. His research articles have been published in highly prestigious journals, such as Journalism and Communication Monographs and Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Dr. Huang has served as a reviewer for college application essays, graduate school application essays, grant applications, conference papers, journal manuscripts, and book manuscripts numerous times since 1998. He is a tough reader who rigorously controls the quality of any final product. He may make a student feel frustrated in the process of preparing for SAT/ACT or preparing for college applications, but such frustrations are very likely to be rewarded with the congratulations from his/her dream schools, as many of his high school students in the past have demonstrated.
  5. Dr. Huang taught in seven universities from China to the United States since 1984.
  6. Dr. Huang and his wife raised three children. They graduated from Rice University, Stanford University, and Harvard University.
  7. Taking time out of his very busy university teaching and SEEC tutoring/counseling schedule, Dr. Huang has been actively engaged in volunteering activities on a routine bases. He served as the President of the Indiana Chinese Photography Club from 2013 to 2019. He served as the President of the Asian-Pacific American Faculty and Staff Council at his university twice and was on the IUPUI DEI committee for more than seven years. He served as a simultaneous interpreter at his Chinese church in Carmel, IN, for more than 10 years. He established in 2014 and has since maintained one of the largest educational WeChat groups (j21099) in North America to help parents from all around the world and their children learn how to prepare for applying to top U.S. colleges.